Live Demo:
A jQuery powered, single page, animated portfolio template with a featured slideshow, animated services section, YEAR FILTERABLE lightbox enabled portfolio section, a contact section, and a sliding newsletter module.
Theme Features
* Valid XHTML 1 .0 Strict, pure CSS layout
* Fully cross browser compatible (IE6 included)
* Single page multi-section slider design
* 5 section layouts included (including the newsletter module)
* Home section with a featured slideshow with customized pager
* Animated services section with featurelist tabs [Note: Each tab’s content is fully customizable, and not restricted to text. Think “freeform HTML inside a div!”, that’s it. Flash, javascript, Images, Videos, anything goes.]
* YEAR FILTERABLE , animated, colorbox enabled portfolio page
* Animated newsletter section (click the newsletter icon on the slimbar)
* Fully layered PSDs included, all well organized
* Very easy to generate new color schemes (full fledged tutorial included in manual)
* Thorough and in-depth, bookmarked manual included explaining every nook and cranny
* Extensively commented javascript code
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