FlashComponents - Crystal Creative XML Website Template (BLACK) - Rip

Crystal Creative XML Website Template (BLACK)

CRYSTAL CREATIVE is the perfect showcase website. It is a refined, extremely powerful and elegant template, fully XML driven, with swfAddress deep linking implemented, and it comes with a complete set of modules.
This template is used as the OFFICIAL WEBSITE of fine artist Nate Giorgio http://www.nategiorgio.com Check his website to see some really amazing art work, not to mention some amazing people he's been working with (Michael Jackson, Quincy Jones, Johnny Cash, the estates of Elvis Presley, Marylin Monroe, and many more)


* All modules are resizable (except for the CONTACT module)
* Full deeplinking - swf address - XML driven address bar and title bar titles
* Back and Forward browser buttons function
* Everything is XML driven
* All text is HTML formatted , XML/CSS driven (external CSS)
* You can add main pages and buttons via XML (without having to open flash at all)
* A lot of other options and settings for every module
* Mouse wheel scroll for every module
* The template comes in 2 colors, black and white

NOTE: special characters cannot be used in the menu



* Supports images, that will resize proportionally according to the browser dimensions, and will smooth so they won't look distorted.
* XML driven image duration and image fading time
* XML driven autoplay option (true or false)
* XML driven random (cookie based) options: firstImage (random or first), nextImage (random, next)
* For example, you could use the XML settings to have a single background to show (with no background changing) and have the module load a different background every time the user visits/refreshes the website


* Add menu buttons and submenu buttons via XML , and specify which swf module to load, and with which XML file it should be populated; that way, you can add more pages without having to open flash and re-export
* The logo can be a png, jpg, gif, and it will align itself according to its dimensions (the height shouldn't be bigger than 100 pixels)
* Both menu buttons and submenu buttons support hyperlinks


* You can choose to have music or not to, and the console and expand button will disappear (simply by deleting the music.xml file)
* XML driven autoplay
* The song included is written by me and it can be used in your website.


* XML driven image duration, for each image
* There are 15 different transitions; in the XML file, you can have a different transition for each image, or use the same transition for all images
* Optional XML driven image link
* Description is optional via XML for each image
* HTML formatted text, XML /CSS driven (external CSS )
* XML driven autoplay option
* XML driven
* XML driven random (cookie based> option for first image (first or random)
* XML driven random (cookie based> option for cycling images (next or random)
* XML driven button spacing
* XML driven assets visibility (you can hide/show the numeral buttons, next/previous buttons, play/pause button, preloader)

LONG TEXT MODULE (about us sections)

* HTML formatted text, XML /CSS driven (external CSS )
* XML driven scroller width, height, margins
* XML driven image width, height, margins (image is optional)
* XML driven scroller to image distance
* XML driven equalScrollerHeightToImageHeight (true or false)
* XML driven extra pixels for scroll, so when scrolled to the bottom, you won't see half of words in the top of the scroller text


* HTML formatted text, XML /CSS driven (external CSS )
* XML driven items to show per page
* XML driven item width, height, spacing, and intro text
* XML driven info box width and height
* XML driven equal info box dimensions to item menu dimensions option
* XML driven extra pixels for scroll, so when scrolled to the bottom, you won't see half of words in the top of the scroller text


* HTML formatted text, XML /CSS driven (external CSS )
* XML driven items to show per page
* XML driven item width, height, spacing, and intro text
* XML driven info box width and height
* XML driven equal info box dimensions to item menu dimensions option
* XML driven extra pixels for scroll, so when scrolled to the bottom, you won't see half of words in the top of the scroller text


* HTML formatted text, XML /CSS driven (external CSS )
* XML driven items to show per page
* XML driven item width, height, spacing, and intro text
* XML driven info box width and height
* XML driven equal info box dimensions to item menu dimensions option
* XML driven extra pixels for scroll, so when scrolled to the bottom, you won't see half of words in the top of the scroller text


* Supports images, videos and swf movies (image dimensions are calculated automatically)
* Images and videos can be any size, and they can be different in size
* XML driven thumb dimensions, thumb spacing, title, thumb rows and thumb columns
* Each image/video can have description or not
* XML driven video fullscreen option: fit screen or proportional
* HTML formatted text, XML /CSS driven (external CSS ) in the description
* XML driven extra pixels for scroll, so when scrolled to the bottom, you won't see half of words in the top of the scroller text


* Supports unlimited locations
* HTML formatted text, XML /CSS driven (external CSS ) in the description
* XML driven extra pixels for scroll, so when scrolled to the bottom, you won't see half of words in the top of the scroller text
* Supports 2 types of locations (HQ and regular locations)


* PHP contact form
* HTML formatted text, XML /CSS driven (external CSS )
* XML driven error/success/fullscreen warning messages.



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