Ultimate Creative Template Updated - ActiveDen

This template is designed from the ground up to be easy to update, customize and understand. Each section has its own external xml config file so you can access over 300 options without opening Flash!

Even better this file uses php to automatically generate the xml. To update the file, you just have to upload your images/mp3`s, that`s it! You can also use it like a normal xml driven file.


* Automatically generated xml from folders
* An amazing amount of configuration options via xml
* Fully featured news page
* Gapless mp3 player with cookie to remember volume
* 3 great mp3 loops from Trix-Music which load randomly (if you want)
* Super smooth gallery system – unlimited galleries and pictures
* Clean code, section help file and LOTS of comments
* Php contact form with as you type validation
* Smooth xml css scrollbar
* Intelligent automatic xml writing: put mainThumb_ infront of a filename to have that image used in the main menu. Have gallery titles with spaces by using underscore.

LATEST UPDATES (29/11/2010)

* Added support for small screen sizes (scrollbars are invoked)


* Added mac mouse wheel support to the news section
* Its now possible to include links in the large image descriptions
* New CSS file for formatting large image descriptions
* Fixed copyright notice on large image descriptions
* Fixed bug with next button on last image of gallery
* Next,previous and close buttons on large images
* Keyboard navigation of large images
* Save & view image options on large image right click menu
* Fixed bug with mp3 player when only using one song
* 20 new xml options
* All colours now changeable via xml
* Fixed counter text for galleries with lots of images
* Fixed gallery navigation bug found in comments
* Fixed skipping thumb row bug
* Fixed useMp3Player bug (when set to false)
* Option to change logo without opening Flash
* Image descriptions on large images – over 10 config options
* Large image counter
* Clickable logo to return site to default state
* Fixed news arrow bug found in comments
* xml sort options – by alphaNumeric | by date | random
* Automatic thumbnail bypass so you can use your own thumbs
* You can now use swf`s (when using own thumbs)
* Hide gallery menu nav if not needed
* Fixed freeze bug found by bigApple in comments
* Foreign language support
* New number prefix to choose the exact order of xml using just file names.
* File and folders can now be sorted independently
* New sort direction options for files and folders
* Mac hidden files are now filtered out of the xml generation
* External links can now be included in main menu
* Offline xml generation tool for those without php
* All text can now be set without Flash using xml options
* All colours can now be set without Flash using xml options
* New option to start mp3 player off
* New option to play mp3`s sequentially (rather than looping)
* Better status messages for mp3 player
* New buffering animation for mp3 player
* More control over text of mp3 player
* New option to set maximum volume of mp3 player
* New option to hide image counter in gallery menu
* New option to choose how many galleries to scroll at a time
* Fixed css support on news.xml
* Fixed home button gallery active bug
* Mac scrollwheel support
* Continuous scroll on scrollbars
* Changed tween engine to tweenmax for greater performance & stability
* Separate contact form php for yahoo users
* Better help documentation
* Even better foreign language support
* New font included
* Fullscreen button tooltip
* Fullscreen button xml options
* You can now choose an image for the logo via xml
* Multi line on large description
* Image logo now returns to home
* Copyright on rightclick menu
* Copyright option for large image text
* More foreign characters added
* New xml var to control thumb image reveal speed
* Fixed short news title



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